Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Bloodstain pattern analysis came into the crime scene forensic arena in the United States in the early 1970’s. The discipline in the early years was not immediately accepted by the forensic community and had to be proven by colleagues and the court system.
Norman Reeves received his basic instruction early on in 1975 and was one of the very early practitioners. Norman was in law enforcement since 1966 through 1991 when he began privately forensic consulting. Norman Reeves has consulted internationally throughout his career.
Norman Reeves, Forensic Consultant, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A

Initial use of bloodstain pattern analysis was predominately used by law enforcement personnel who received training in forty-hour basic and advanced courses. Since that time the number of instructors throughout the world has grown exponentially.
Following the initial use at crime scenes and in court, the discipline began to be accepted as a valid tool in the criminal justice system. Norman Reeves was the first to testify in the discipline in the State of New Jersey in 1978.
In 1983, a group of such early users of the discipline formed the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. This organization now enjoys about 800 members from all over the world. Norman Reeves is a founding member of the IABPA (International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts).
The scientific community, having seen the value of the discipline, has and is contributing to the validity by conducting additional scientific studies and experimentation. As a result of these studies, the discipline continues to gain more knowledge and respect.
Crime Scene Reconstruction
Bloodstain pattern analysis, in conjunction with all forms of objective criminal investigation, has been instrumental in creating successful reconstruction of crime scenes to both prosecute and exonerate people.
Norman Reeves consults for prosecution, defense and civil attorneys resulting in both convictions and exculpatory information resulting in charges being dropped or not guilty verdicts.
Computer Imaging and Enhancement
The interpretation of shape, location, size and directionality of bloodstains relative to the forces that created them . . .
What may Bloodstain Pattern Analysis do for your case?
BPA (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis) may on many occasions, clearly define the location of the victim or the assailant(s) by establishing the actions of either or both.
Possible and impossible scenarios may be established to determine if the victim/witness/assailant is accurately describing what took place. What type of weapon or impact occurred to cause the bloodstains present?
- How many times was the victim struck ?
- Where was the victim(s) at the time the injuries were inflicted?
- Where was the assailant(s) during and following the assault?
- Is the bloodstain evidence consistent with the medical examiner findings?
- Is the bloodstain evidence on the suspect and his clothing consistent with the crime scene?
What happens when an analyst is retained?
On site crime scene examination is preferred in most cases but much work can be done with the use of crime scene photographs, video and reports. All reports such as statements, medical examiner, police and forensic examinations concerning the investigation, are necessary for this evaluation. With the review of these reports, the evaluation can be considered.
Photographs are digitized and returned in a timely manner.
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